
28 let po smrti Lennona

New York, 08. 12. 2008 13.44 |


8. decembra mineva 28 let od atentata in smrti legendarnega Beatla, genialnega glasbenika in mirovnika Johna Lennona.

8. decembra se spominjamo smrti legendarnega Johna Winstona Lennona, ki ga je na ta dan leta 1980 ustrelil duševno neuravnovešeni Mark Chapman. Lennona je več dni čakal pred njegovo stavbo, nato pa mu je naposled uspelo, da ga je srečal in od njega dobil avtogram. Svojega idola je ubil s štirimi streli in je še vedno v zaporu, saj so mu avgusta letos že petič zavrnili prošnjo za izpustitev iz zapora.

Lennon je bil skupaj s Paulom McCartneyjem ustanovni član skupine The Beatles, skupaj pa sta tvorila enega najbolj vplivnih tandemov v popularni glasbi in hkrati v rock'n'roll zgodovini.

V samostojni karieri je napisal veliko uporniških in mirovniških pesmi, kot so Imagine in Give Peace a Chance in Merry Xmas (War is Over), vse skupaj pa je še potrdil z javnimi nastopi, knjigami in aktivizmom.

BBC ga je leta 2002 uvrstil na 8. mesto "največjih Britancev vseh časov", dve leti kasneje ga je ameriška revija Rolling Stone uvrstila na 38. mesto liste "največjih umetnikov vseh časov", skupini The Beatles pa so prisodili prvo mesto.

UI Vsebina ustvarjena brez generativne umetne inteligence.
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Opozorilo: 297. členu Kazenskega zakonika je posameznik kazensko odgovoren za javno spodbujanje sovraštva, nasilja ali nestrpnosti.
08. 12. 2008 21.24
08. 12. 2008 16.41
Škoda, da je v časih njegove glasbe, v jugoslaviji folk nabijal hej brigade!
08. 12. 2008 16.36
Zagotovo je bil eden največjjih glasbenih genijev vseh časov.Pesmi kot so POWER TO THE PEOPLE, STAND BY ME, STARTING OVER, WOMAN , NOBODY TOLD ME , HAPPY XMAS , GIVE PEACE A CHANCE , IMAGINE so večne in kultne. Bodi večno v cvetju.
08. 12. 2008 16.18
Everybody\'s talking and no one says a word Everybody\'s making love and no one really cares There\'s nazis in the bathroom just below the stairs. Always something happening and nothing going on There\'s always something happening cooking and nothing in the pot They\'re starving back in China so finish what you got. They\'re starving back in China so finish what you got. Nobody told me there\'d be days like these Nobody told me there\'d be days like these Nobody told me there\'d be days like these Strange days indeed strange days indeed. Everybody\'s runnin\' and no one makes a move Everyone\'s a winner and no one seems to lose. There\'s a little yellow idol to the north of Katmandu. Everybody\'s flying and no one leaves the ground Everybody\'s crying and no one makes a sound. There\'s a place for us in movies you just gotta stay around. Nobody told me there\'d be days like these Nobody told me there\'d be days like these Nobody told me there\'d be days like these Strange days indeed most peculiar Mama. Everybody\'s smoking and no one\'s getting high Everybody\'s flying and never touch the sky There\'s Ufo\'s over New York and I ain\'t too surprised. Nobody told me there\'d be days like these Nobody told me there\'d be days like these Nobody told me there\'d be days like these Strange days indeed most peculiar. Mama.
08. 12. 2008 15.56
Škoda je takih ljudi, res!
08. 12. 2008 15.55
Imagine there\'s no Heaven It\'s easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today Imagine there\'s no countries It isn\'t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace You may say that I\'m a dreamer But I\'m not the only one I hope someday you\'ll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world You may say that I\'m a dreamer But I\'m not the only one I hope someday you\'ll join us And the world will live as one
08. 12. 2008 15.26
08. 12. 2008 15.16
08. 12. 2008 15.12
na današanji dan se je leta 1943 rodil Jim Morrison :)
08. 12. 2008 15.11
škoda da ni več takega umetnika med nami
08. 12. 2008 14.58
Da bi se še kdo tak rodil...
08. 12. 2008 14.47
Evo končno enkrat zmagal in sem PRVI.