
NBA: Vujačić s soigralci 'potonil' za 36 točk proti Golden Statu

Oakland, 17. 03. 2016 07.43 |


Najboljša ekipa lige NBA Golden State Warriors je zabeležila 50. zaporedno zmago na domačem parketu. Visoko je premagala New York Knicks (121:85), Saša Vujačič pa je tekmo začel v prvi postavi. Zmagal je tudi Cleveland, čeprav LeBron James ni igral.

Golden State ima zdaj zmago več, kot jih je po istem številu tekem imel Chicago Bulls v rekordni sezoni 1995/96, ko je v rednem delu zabeležil 72 zmag. Prvaki so trenutno pri razmerju 61:6 v zmagah in porazih. Prvi strelec tekme je bil Stephen Curry s 34 točkami, vendar v zadnji četrtini ni igral, saj je imela njegova ekipa že visoko vodstvo in utrjeno pot do zmage s 121:85. Saša Vujačić je začel v prvi peterki, v 20 minutah na parketu pa je dosegel štiri točke.

Zmagala je tudi vodilna ekipa na vzhodu Cleveland Cavaliers, čeprav je nastopila brez prvega zvezdnika LeBrona Jamesa, ki mu je trener odmeril dan počitka. Doma je z 99:98 premagala Dallas, prvi strelec pa je bil Kyrie Irving s 33 točkami.

Saša Vujačić
Saša Vujačić FOTO: Reuters

Golden State Warriors - New York Knicks            121:85
Boston Celtics - Oklahoma City Thunder             109:130
Charlotte Hornets - Orlando Magic                  107:99
Cleveland Cavaliers - Dallas Mavericks              99:98
Washington Wizards - Chicago Bulls                 117:96
Detroit Pistons - Atlanta Hawks                    114:118
Memphis Grizzlies - Minnesota Timberwolves         108:114
Houston Rockets - Los Angeles Clippers             106:122
Sacramento Kings - New Orleans Pelicans            108:123

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Opozorilo: 297. členu Kazenskega zakonika je posameznik kazensko odgovoren za javno spodbujanje sovraštva, nasilja ali nestrpnosti.

17. 03. 2016 15.24
Bogi LeFlop, je utrujen haha..si je mogu fraj uzet.
17. 03. 2016 16.20
17. 03. 2016 14.53
Irving najbolši PG lige baje...28 metov, 1 asistenca, hahaha.
17. 03. 2016 16.25
hahahaahah....pa ka sma GLEDALA isto tekmo....to kar je irving prkazo dans bo štef rabu 5-6sezon...seveda če mu ne bojo šle trice.....point tega je da se u tehniki lahk kyrie dela norca iz mvp štefnovskija
17. 03. 2016 16.52
Rabil je 28 metov, kar je ogromno za vsakega igralca, kaj šele PGja da je dosegel 33 točk, plus tega je imel samo 1 podajo. Pravi PG je ja hahaha, Steph je ati za njega
17. 03. 2016 18.36
Fmr NBA Player Jay Williams: 80% of Players Use Marijuana.“It’s easy for doctors to prescribe you Oxycontin and look I was addicted to it for five plus years so I know,” Williams tells FOXBusiness.com. “But when you say marijuana you get a reaction, ahhh, it’s a gateway drug.” “You see pictures of guys in California going in and getting their medical marijuana cards. And I’m not just saying athletes, let’s talk about society. I know a lot of people that use it. It’s something that the whole world is becoming more progressive with. So it’s about time some of these entities do as well,” he adds. Currently, 23 states have legalized cannabis for medicinal purposes, but the NBA prohibits any type of pot use. According to the National Basketball Association, and its anti-drug agreement, players are subject to four random tests throughout the season, and are conducted by an independent, third-party entity without prior notice to the athlete.“I know so many athletes that play on Percocet. Have you ever taken Percocet by the way? It makes you way more groggy than rubbing cannabis oil into your skin,” adds Williams. “It’s demonized in society too. Oh, he’s a pot head. No, I actually just use cannabis oil because it helps with inflammation and takes away some anxiety.”